Robotics team finds success at Maine Robot Track Meet

On May 11, Waynflete’s Enrichment Robotics Team competed in the Maine Robot Track Meet at South Portland High School along with 16 other teams from southern Maine. Students in Grades 4-8 have been participating in the Enrichment Workshop once a week since January, learning how to build robots that meet seven specific engineering challenges.

Special mention goes to Diego, who shaved one minute off the timed “Robot Speed Build” competition—building an entire working robot from scratch in under three minutes! Scoring high in their category, fourth-graders Naomi and Remy competed successfully in the “Fastest Robot” race. They created a robot that blitzed along the 18-foot race track, keeping a straighter path than any other robot. Eighth-grader Anya scored at the top of her category with her “Table Clearer” robot, which used sensors to clear every tin can from a tabletop in record time, without falling off the table edge.

207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | Directions | My Waynflete

One-Hour Delay on Monday, February 3

Due to the inclement weather, Waynflete school will be opening one-hour late, Monday, February 3